
Journals of my trip to Kenya and Uganda

Friday, March 03, 2006

Shopping Day

I feel much better in the morning. I am up before 5:00 to put the finishing touches on my notes. The chapel speaker is Pastor Lazarus, who speaks on the battle between the flesh and spirit, illustrated in the lives of Saul and David. The Lord richly blessed his ministry in the Word to my heart.

Judith Collins class in Christianity in Asia ends at 10:30. She calls for me, and when I come to her vehicle there are students all around who are purchasing Bibles from her through her Bible distribution program. They are able to purchase them for 50 Ksh, about 80 cents each. But they can only have one each until each student has one. Many try to get extras for siblings or Sunday School teachers, but Judith is very firm about getting them to students first, and then to others if there are some left over.

Then Judith takes me to Nakumatt, a local grocery store. What an experience. It is very modern; we pick up some fruit and tea, sodas and snacks for my apartment. As we return to the car, we are followed by many people selling various items, including shoes! A man offers to sell me a tie for 500 Ksh. In the end, I get two fairly nice ties for 450 Ksh (less than $7.50). Not too bad.

Then we are off to the Masai market, held every Friday at a mall in Nairobi. The mall is full of foreigners. There are a lot of newer high class vehicles in the parking lots with diplomatic plates on them. We sit down in the cafeteria area and Judith makes a phone call to get me in touch with Jet Travel Service so I can get plane tickets to Entebbe for March 22-24. The reservations are made and I will need to get over there to pay for them soon. It’s good to get that taken care of. We find the Masai Market and what a lot of fun this is. Everyone wants me for a customer. I don’t get much, but I hope to be able to return before I have to leave Nairobi. On our way out we run into Eben Yoon. What are the chances?!?

Judith takes me over to the Forex to get more money exchanged. There we run into Gary and Pat Johnson. How do we keep bumping into people we know in this place so far from home?!?

Back to the college again, and supper at the Kim’s – this time we have an oriental beef dish with oriental noodles. Yummy! This time there are chopsticks at my plate. Carrot cake for dessert followed by a good, strong cup of coffee. Our plans to go to Tanzania have been cancelled because the roads are out on account of the rains. So tomorrow we are going on home visitation, where I will do some preaching in the home of one of the families. Because I will now be here on Sunday, I have been asked to preach at the college church service. Both of these services will be translated into Kiswahili.


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