
Journals of my trip to Kenya and Uganda

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Back in Nairobi Again

I sleep rather restlessly. Actually, I think I slept much better in Balaah. Interesting.

After breakfast at the Kim’s I am told to bring my laundry so that the young girl who works for the Kim family can take care of it for me. Rev. Kim also asks me to preach at the 5:00 chapel service this evening. I deliver my laundry and return to my apartment to work on completing my notes for my Covenant Theology course that is to begin on March 7. I am having trouble organizing my thoughts and arranging the material, but it is coming along.

Gary and Pat Johnson arrive at BCEA campus. They have a medical ministry, Clinics of Care in rural Kenya, about 4-5 hours out of town. I hope to be able to go out to see them in the next week or two. We are going to have lunch with them at Nairobi Java House, and Rev. Kim tells me to bring my laptop, as they have wireless internet access there. The connection is quite good, but my email server is not co-operating with downloading my mail. So that is about all I get done. I am able to send a short email home, but that is about all. Hopefully I will be able to return again soon.

I return to work on my class notes. I also prepare for the chapel message. I am directed to James 1, which will serve as a good text to exhort the students to ask the Lord for wisdom. As I study I decide to use the first four verses instead about enduring temptation. I reconsider my choice, thinking it might be better in my first sermon to have a more positive, joyful message. Then I realize that my text does just that: Count it all joy, my brethren, when ye fall into divers temptations! So that is the text I settle on, by the leading of the Lord. The service begins with some beautiful Kiswahili music by the students. There is a men’s chorus as well as a women’s group that sing with delightful harmonies. I forgot to bring my recorder, so I hope that there will be more such music in coming services that I will be able to capture.

I have supper with the Yoon’s again; this time we have bow-tie pasta with spaghetti sauce. Great stuff! And bottled Coke to boot! It doesn’t get much better than this. After supper we are invited over to the Kim’s for espresso. They take us to a newly renovated apartment on the first floor of the building they live in. It is very bright and nicely appointed. Mrs. Kim serves a very strong espresso – everyone approves!


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