
Journals of my trip to Kenya and Uganda

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My First Full Day in Nairobi

I sleep quite well and wake up at about 6:00. I explore the campus a bit and take some pictures. I attend the morning chapel service, where one of the instructors preaches a very good message on the prayer of Jabez.

I go to the home of Rev. Mark Kim for breakfast at 8:30 am and Judith Collins comes to pick me up at about 10:00 am. She takes me to the Muthaiga Forex Bureau to get some Kenyan Shillings for the trip to Balaah. Peter Lkayo greets us when we arrive there. After our banking is done, the three of us go to Judith’s house where I meet Lucy, Peter’s wife. We have an Ethiopian lentil stew for lunch and prepare for the trip to Balaah - there are clothes to send up as well as pencils and lesson books, many more details than my small mind can take in.

We go to Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF) at Wilson airport; they will fly Peter and myself to Balaah. Here we learn that we will be treated to fly in one of the larger planes, an 11-seater! We also find out that the MAF flight to Balaah is scheduled to leave quite a bit earlier than originally scheduled, so Peter will come to the college with the taxi at about 6:30 am to get us there in time.

Judith takes me back to the college and I have dinner with the Yoon family. Mrs. Yoon makes western style hamburgers especially for me. Eben Yoon encourages me to start my classes at the college on Tues, March 7 through Fri, March 17. I agree; this will give me some time to work on my notes and also to recover from my trip to Balaah.


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