
Journals of my trip to Kenya and Uganda

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Internet Day

This is the day we go for our internet connection, barring any unforeseen barriers. Rev. Kim drives us to Java House, together with Eben. We are there by 8:00 am, and we get a very good connection. Yay! Stephen greets me first, and then runs to get his Mom. We have a good chat, some of it by audio by MSN Messenger – which seems to work better than Skype, actually. We cancel the video/audio to make file transfers quicker as I send out some pictures. Again, Instant Messenger comes through with flying colours. This is great.

Gini and the boys go to bed at about midnight in Edmonton – it is still only 10:00 am here in Nairobi. Now I set to getting some blog pages up. I have not done any blogging from Nairobi until today. I cut and paste my journal from my WordPerfect file. It goes quite smoothly. But it does take up most of my time. Then I figure out how to change the date on each file, so I go back and reformat. It will look as if I posted each day, but all the posts from after Heathrow airport until this one were done on Sat, March 11. I am glad I got them up. I was hoping to post pictures, but I’ve run out of time.

The Kim’s have arrived and they are having a bite to eat, but we must leave shortly. We are going to our church visitation. I will hope to edit this post later to add some more information.

Thank you all for your prayers. The Lord is sustaining me well, and using me, I trust to the edification of believers in Kenya.

After returning to the BCEA campus I have about 30 minutes or so to get ready for the church visitation. We are going to Jogoo group today. It is on an enclosed area that contains a residence for police officers, so we will be quite safe here. It is also right next to the police station.

There is a good time of singing and I preach on the life of Peter. It is translated again into Kiswahili. There is a prayer time and then, after tea and deep fried cakes we go back to campus. We have supper at the home of Bernard and Valorine Akhwale again. We do not stay too long because we have to pack for our trip to Maasai land tomorrow morning.


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