
Journals of my trip to Kenya and Uganda

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Finally, Another Post

My internet access has been less than what I expected. Now I am back at Heathrow Airport, and a lot has happened since I last posted anything here. I have been to Maasai land, to Tanzania (just for a few minutes), to Uganda, and to London. Now I am more than ready to be at home.

I will post more details of my trip when I arrive home. I had a great day today. A few days ago Gini found out that the church history tour for Covenant High School in Tacoma was be at Westminster Abbey today. So, having arrived in London at 6:00 am, I made my way over there via the Tube. I saw a group of young people along one side of the building, and some of the students recognized me from camp before I recognized them! Mr. Douglas Bond kindly gave me permission to join their tour. I got into the group with Ben Lensch and Ben German, which was lead by Mr. Richard Hannula. It was a great tour. Mr. Hannula did a great job of pointing out a lot of the reformation emphases that would have been missing on a regular tour.

Then, of course, I had to take a picture of the two Bens under Big Ben. And then I left them to visit the Evangelical Library. The Bible Presbyterian Church houses a branch of this library, so it was good to see the original, which Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was instrumental in promoting. I was able to get more books for our library from the selection they had there. So this was very profitable.

The Evangelical Library was close to Baker Street, so I made a side trip to 221B Baker Street, the address of Sherlock Holmes. I didn't go in to the museum there, but I did go into The Beatles Store just a few doors down. Interesting memorabilia, but all very expensive.

I took the Tube over to Picadilly Circus, saw a few shops there and then walked over to Trafalgar Square. Then I took the Tube to Heathrow and here I am.

I will try to post more next week when I get settled into a routine. This trip has been wonderful. I've made loads of new friends, and many even want me to come back!

I got a bit sick the day that I left, but other than that I've been doing pretty good. Earlier rumours of illness were greatly exaggerated. Now I'm preparing for my flight to Montreal, where I'll have to spend the night, and then home on Thursday morning, DV.

Thanks for all your prayers. The Lord has been pleased to use me in many ways to bless and encourage His people in Kenya and Uganda, and I am grateful for the benefits that others have reaped -- I certainly have benefited personally.


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