
Journals of my trip to Kenya and Uganda

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Lord's Day at Isovyo Church

At about 6:30 I hear the singing of children. It seems that their Sunday School starts quite early here. We go to the Johnson’s for breakfast at 8:30.

I will preach at the Isovyo church service at 10:30. It is right next door to the Clinic and Bible School. There is a lot of singing and Judith and I are introduced as special guests and asked for a word of greeting and introduction. I preach on Hebrews 11:24-26, The Riches of the Reproach of Christ. There are prayer requests and we learn that the matron of the school has had her maize stolen from her house the previous night! Judith and I pray for the needs of the congregation.

During the service, Johanna Lutz has returned from a trip to Mombasa. She has had to wait for the bus in Kitui to load with passengers; apparently the bus waits until it is sufficiently full to make the trip worthwhile, in this case, about three hours! She goes to the Team House where she is staying and gets some rest. She has travelled all night from Mombasa, but she was able to see zebras and elephants in the light of the full moon. Johanna is a registered nurse from Arizona who has been travelling the world to help missionaries, and has been here with the Johnsons for the past few weeks. Her grandparents were missionaries in South Africa.

Gary Johnson gives me a tour of the clinic and workshop. I look over at the curious cement configurations between the workshop and the Team House. Is that a miniature golf course? Yes, Gary informs me that he had this little 9-hole course put in for the visiting students. He talks to me about coming out within the next two years or so to do a youth camp. He is intrigued since Judith has told him that I have directed the Northwest Presbytery Teen Camp for more than a decade. He wants me to return with my family to do a couple of weeks: one week each for junior and senior highs. It sounds like fun, and he almost has me convinced. We will keep talking and make it a matter of prayer.

After another delightful supper, Juma puts on the Bob Jones (Unusual Films) video of Betrayed in the Night, the story of Dr. Driesbach and his wife (both doctors) who had a medical mission in Niger, but were evicted from the country for preaching the gospel at their clinic. The Driebachs have worked with the Johnsons in this very region, in the church where Juma preaches. It is a very good story.

Juma turns on the generator for us at the Team House and we are able to charge our laptop batteries for the day out tomorrow.


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