
Journals of my trip to Kenya and Uganda

Friday, March 24, 2006

Mbale to Nairobi - Another Long Day

Everyone packs into the van for the long journey to Kampala. The Proctors are going to stay at the ARA, an American resort compound where they are able to get away from the rigors of their labours for a few days of family time. There is a swimming pool and tennis courts.

Here Phil and I meet with Charles Kisembro, who has expressed interest in the BPC. After what I have heard from the men in the OPCU, I am expecting a request for funds to help this man begin his church. I am not far wrong. At the present time he is asking for money to rent a school classroom in which to meet. I encourage him to meet in homes for the present time, but it seems that there is no core group yet, outside of the members of his immediate family. He has difficulty with the idea of meeting anywhere but in a separate building. I tell him that this is how Bible Presbyterian churches are often started in the US, and it seems to work quite well. Could they meet, perhaps, in a park, or some other open, public setting at no charge? He tells me that is not the Ugandan way, even though Phil and Meredith tell me later that the Ugandans are very hospitable by culture, much like the Kenyans, so they do not see meeting in homes as a particular barrier to starting a church. I pray with him and encourage him in his work; he will have to do so without financial assistance from us. If he is called of God, the Lord will supply.

Charles Howard, a friend of the Proctors, and the Administrative Director for the CURE hospital in Mbale has to meet someone at Entebbe airport, so I say good-bye to the Proctors and he drives me out.

I arrive in Nairobi on time, the flight is quick: only 45 minutes, and I am able to clear customs without any lineups and no questions asked. But I have to wait for a while for my luggage – there’s always something! Judith is there to take me to the Rusam Villa for another night. It is 10:00 pm when we arrive, but they are waiting for me. I order my breakfast and head off to bed. I sleep very well!


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