
Journals of my trip to Kenya and Uganda

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Going to Africa

After numerous invitations to come to Africa over many years, I am finally going! Unfortunately, I only started talking about it really seriously just before Christmas, 2005, so there hasn't been a lot of time to plan this trip. But many things have fallen into place, by the providence of the Lord, and I trust that He will continue to open doors.

This will be a missions trip to Kenya, primarily under The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions. I leave on the morning of Tuesday, February 21 and arrive in Kenya the evening of Wednesday, February 22. After one day's respite a ticket has been booked on an MAF plane to visit the Baalah villages of the Rendille people near Marsabit in Northern Kenya.

I will also take a brief side trip to Uganda under Presbyterian Missionary Union to see about a possible church plant in Kampala.